Weekly Gatherings:
Check out the images/links below to learn more.
Click here for directions.
South KP Students! There is now a SOUTH YOUTH SHUTTLE available to help you get to Waypoint Youth on Monday nights!
Call/text Pastor Mark for info (425.286.7302). For most Monday yg's, the Shuttle (the Klinglers' van) will depart Waypoint South at 6:15pm, and arrive back at 8:45pm!
Click here for directions.
South KP Students! There is now a SOUTH YOUTH SHUTTLE available to help you get to Waypoint Youth on Monday nights!
Call/text Pastor Mark for info (425.286.7302). For most Monday yg's, the Shuttle (the Klinglers' van) will depart Waypoint South at 6:15pm, and arrive back at 8:45pm!
You can subscribe to text alerts by texting FIVER to 84576. Click on the banners or images below for more info!

SOW High School Bible Study
Sunday Nights, 5:30-7:00pm, @ WPN
High School ONLY: Students in grades 9-12 are invited to hang out with us on Sunday nights as we dig DEEP into the word. This fall we are starting a deepdive on the nation of Israel, justice, and the prophets. Dinner is included! Bring a Bible, and come to learn. SOW = Students Of Waypoint. SOW runs for the duration of the school year. Call/text Pastor Drew for more info @ 253.303.1708.

Waypoint Youth Group
Monday Nights, 6:30-8:30pm, @ WPN
All students in grades 6-12 are invited to join us Monday nights for hangout time, snacks, games, worship, teaching, and small groups. We follow Peninsula School District for off-days. Usually, if there is no school, there is no yg. Regular yg for the school year starts on September 9!
Our Ministry:
Check out the images/links below to learn more about what makes our ministry what it is.

Weekly Gatherings
See above for details!
Who we are:
These are the people who make Waypoint Youth happen.
YG Sermon Notes:
Get the most out of Monday night youth group messages by taking notes and filling in the blanks as we go!
YG Sermon Notes:
Get the most out of Monday night youth group messages
by taking notes and filling in the blanks as we go!
by taking notes and filling in the blanks as we go!